How to Conduct a Board Self-Assessment

Self-assessment by the board is an essential practice of leadership that top-performing boards employ to ensure long-term governance. It requires the board to take a step back from their day-to-day activities and review its effectiveness. This lets the board be proactive and take on areas that could otherwise be major sources of frustration and friction.

There are a variety of ways to conduct a board self-assessment from surveys and interviews to facilitated discussions. The best method is based on the size of the board, available resources and the depth you want to take into the assessment.

When you have decided on the method, make sure to clearly state the goals you intend to achieve by the process. For instance, do you want to improve governance, align the goals of the organization to governance, or increase accountability? Once you’ve decided this, you can select an evaluation tool.

Certain tools let you evaluate your results against other health care facilities and hospitals, while others focus solely on your organization’s governance practices. Whatever you decide to use it is crucial that the tools you use are impartial and do not make any calls to the individual directors. This will create a safe environment for honest feedback.

A lot of boards also have peer review processes that asks board members for an evaluation of their co-directors. This is a productive and beneficial procedure, but it’s important that the process remain secret. It can be difficult for some directors to criticize an individual director when they are afraid that it will come back on them. In this instance it’s best to have the facilitator look over all of the responses and decide what ideas are important to discuss with the board.

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